Brookfield Gardens

Fresh Vegetables from PEI

Open Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am- 10:00am

Available Now: Cabbage, Carrots, Red Cabbage, Parsnip, Turnip, Bagged Beets, Stew Packs

Some History...

About Us

We began as a small, family vegetable farm nearly 30 years ago, when Bert, Eddy and Gerald Dykerman purchased a business in York PEI. Immediately, they moved the farm to Brookfield, where they began growing 40 acres of vegetables for local sale.

About Us - Gerald and Eddy

Bert has since retired, but Gerald, Eddy, and their nephew Travis continue to farm the land. Today, we grow almost 300 acres; most of which are carrots. We sell overseas and across Atlantic Canada, but also continue to sell locally.

We employ nine people year round, but add another 10-15 people to our staff during our harvest season. We value the positive relationships we have with our staff, and know that they are one of the keys to our success.

About Us

What We Grow...

Fresh PEI Grown

  • Beans
  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Cucumbers
  • Kale
  • Parsnip
  • Stewpack
  • Turnip

Our harvesting season typically runs from July until December. Harder vegetables such as turnip, cabbage and carrots available for most of the year!

Food Safety

We understand

that there is an unspoken trust between the consumer and the farmer every time that produce is purchased by the consumer. It is expected that the produce is not only fresh and tasty, but also that it is safe for families to eat.

We have spent the past few years implementing a nationally recognized on-farm food safety program. This program, called CanadaGAP, ensures that we minimize the risk of contaminating the product. Each year, independent auditors visit our facilities, inspect our records and practices, and talk with our staff to ensure that we are following the program’s standards. They report their findings directly to our largest markets.

Failure of the audit would mean immediate loss of our largest markets.

We believe that this program holds us accountable for our production practices. We hope that it also gives our consumers peace of mind, knowing that our practices are under scrutiny.

CanadaGap Program


We realize

how important a healthy environment is to the success of our operation, and to the well-being of our society. We also realize that, as farmers, everyday we work in close proximity to some of our most valuable environmental resources. This is a great privilege, and one of the reasons that we love to farm, but it is also a great responsibility, as we feel compelled to preserve and protect these resources for the generations to come.

Here are some of the initiatives we have taken to lessen our impact on the environment:

  • We use biological pest control methods as much as possible in order to reduce pesticide use. For example, we plant collards around the perimeter of our cabbage fields. Certain pests like to eat collards more than cabbage, and this keeps them from entering the cabbage field.
  • We landscape strategic sections of our fields into grassed ditches. By controlling the drainage properties of our fields, we greatly reduce erosion.
  • We plant hedges in new fields and preserve existing hedges in older ones. This encourages biodiversity and protects our crops from cold winds.
  • We follow nutrient management plans, and IPM (integrated pest management) plans which minimize our fertilizer and pesticide use.

We have spent the past few years implementing a nationally recognized on-farm food safety program. This program, called CanadaGAP, ensures that we minimize the risk of contaminating the product. Each year, independent auditors visit our facilities, inspect our records and practices, and talk with our staff to ensure that we are following the program’s standards. They report their findings directly to our largest markets.


Get in touch

Say Hello

Brookfield Gardens
1067 Millboro Rd.
Brookfield, PE
C0A 1Y0

Phone: (902) 964.3200
Fax : (902) 964.2685

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 10:00am
